Saturday, December 2, 2006

First Words

I am beginning this blog as a place to interact with my physical self. (If you would like to see my spiritual self interactions, please go to Furthermore, I’d like this interaction to be a reciprocated interface. Please feel free to contribute to the discussion; I would love to hear from you. I’ll give a “First Words” introduction close to the same as I have done previously; I still feel the same.

I would be especially pleased to hear from any persons from my past. Some names that stand out are Kenny Shirfic, Ronny Emmons, and Harold Steen, from Washington, Indiana in the 1940s; anybody from the Park Place Church of God, Anderson, Indiana youth group of the 50s; anybody who worked in the photo lab at the Lincoln Air Force Base from 1957-1960 (Dick Roach, are you still ticking?); Terry Thomas, Bill Drummond, Neil Kenny, Raul Rehrer, and others from the University of Miami Marine Lab and Cookie Kruglinski, editor of the University of Miami Ibis in the early 60s; friends from the Kendall, Florida Church of God during the 1960s; singers from the New Way Singers during to 70s and 80s; former students from University of Miami, Warner Southern College, and Hope International University; and University of Florida education school fellow students of the early 80s. (Mule from LIBCI and any others from LIBCI, you know who you are; I’d really like to hear from you.) If you knew me, send me an email. I will answer most emails and publish some if you so desire. Positive reactions, illuminations, or elucidations are welcome; negative condemnation, censure, and attack, even though deserved, are discouraged.